Well it's the time of year to think of hearts and candy. So to show your love here are some ideas on how to have and earth friendly valentine's day. Yea Mother Earth.
Recycled Valentine's card. When buying Vday cards look for ones that are made out of recycled materials. Hearts are so easy to cut out of anything so use some old magazines and construction paper and voila - instant eco-friendly card.
Wine bottle re-use. You know you want to have a lovely bottle of wine with that romantic dinner so to celebrate there are many crafts out there that use recycled bottle. One of the simple one is to just cut the top off, fill with wax and a wick, and create a candle. You can leave the label on for extra decoration of remove it and etch the glass.
Give a plant instead of cut flowers. If you have some plants you can make cutting from give a gift from your own yard this year. Cut flowers are nice but they only last so long while a plant for the house or garden can create a lasting reminder of your love.
There are many web sites out there with great ideas like The Blue Chair which has a listing of 50 really cool recycled valentine gifts you can make.
So have a happy and loving Valentine's Day and don't forget Mother Earth when celebrating.