Saturday, May 26, 2012

Cute owl nail design

While wandering the intewebs in search of fun stuff to pin I came across this fingernail tutorial for owls.  I adore owls (in case you haven't noticed) and thought I would share it.
This comes from the blog FlauntMe.  A cute site for beauty reviews etc.  I don't actually have any fingernails so I can't try this myself.  But for those who can, enjoy.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Blodeuwedd the Owl Cross Stitch Pattern.

I was wandering the wonderful web and came across the most AMAZING cross stitch pattern for an owl.  It is the Blodeuwedd the Owl pattern by Celtic Art Studios.   They also have Tshirts, jewelry, and hangings.  It is a great site to wander around on.

Since I found the cross stitch pattern and I adore owls I thought I would post some nice links to other fun owl cross stitch patterns.

So here are some of my favorites.

So have fun stitching some nifty cool owls.